just another diary

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ok. Let's begin.

So I decided to write a raytracer engine using LISP.
The "first step" is available.
It does nothing except for one important thing: being the first step, it empowers me to continue work on it.

     1: ; version 0.1
     2: ; Features:
     3: ;   main render loop.
     4: ;   results' display function.
     6: ; All physical sizes will be called "meters".
     7: ; They correspont to units from the scene.
     9: ; ---------------------------------------------------
    10: ; Stubs.
    11: (defun init-screen (camera the-format) "Stub.")
    12: (defun update-screen (screen x y pixel) "Stub.")
    13: (defun store-to-file (screen name the-format) "Stub.")
    14: ; ---------------------------------------------------
    16: (defvar *SMALL-NUM* 0.0001)
    19: ; Vectors 
    21: (defstruct V3D "Vector. Just x y z." x y z)
    23: (defun V3D- (A B) "Difference between two 3D vectors."
    24:        (make-V3D :x (- (V3D-x A) (V3D-x B))
    25:          :y (- (V3D-y A) (V3D-y B))
    26:          :z (- (V3D-z A) (V3D-z B))))
    28: (defun V3D+2or1 (A B) "Sum of 3D vectors."
    29:        (if (null a)
    30:        (make-v3d :x 0 :y 0 :z 0)
    31:        (if (null b) A
    32:            (make-v3d :x (+ (V3D-x A) (V3D-x  b))
    33:              :y (+ (V3D-y A) (V3D-y  b))
    34:              :z (+ (V3D-z A) (V3D-z  b))))))
    36: (defun v3d+ (&rest args) (reduce #'v3d+2or1 args))
    38: (defun V3D^ (A B)
    39:   "Cross product of vectors in 3D."
    40:   (make-V3D :x (- (* (V3D-y A) (V3D-z B)) (* (V3D-z A) (V3D-y B)))
    41:         :y (- (* (V3D-z A) (V3D-x B)) (* (V3D-x A) (V3D-z B)))
    42:         :z (- (* (V3D-x A) (V3D-y B)) (* (V3D-y A) (V3D-x B)))))
    44: (defun V3D* (A B)
    45:   "Dot product of two vectors in 3D."
    46:   (+ (* (V3D-x A) (V3D-x B))
    47:      (* (V3D-y A) (V3D-y B))
    48:      (* (V3D-z A) (V3D-z B))))
    50: (defun V3D-NULL-P (a)
    51:   "Checks if the vector is zero length."
    52:   (and (eql (v3d-x a) 0)
    53:        (eql (v3d-y a) 0)
    54:        (eql (v3d-z a) 0)))
    56: (defun V3D-NORMA (A)
    57:   "Returns normalized A."
    58:   (let ((l (sqrt (+ (* (v3d-x a) (v3d-x a))
    59:             (* (v3d-y a) (v3d-y a))
    60:             (* (v3d-z a) (v3d-z a))))))
    61:     (if (v3d-null-p a)
    62:     nil ; cannot normalize empty vector
    63:     (make-v3d :x (/ (v3d-x a) l)
    64:           :y (/ (v3d-y a) l)
    65:           :z (/ (v3d-z a) l)))))
    67: (defun V3D-SCALE (A S) ; A is vector, S is scalar
    68:   "Scaling."
    69:   (make-v3d :x (* (v3d-x A) S)
    70:         :y (* (v3d-y A) S)
    71:         :z (* (v3d-z A) S)))
    73: (defun v3d-length (a b)
    74:   "The length of the vector."
    75:   (let ((dx (- (v3d-x a) (v3d-x b)))
    76:     (dy (- (v3d-y a) (v3d-y b)))
    77:     (dz (- (v3d-z a) (v3d-z b))))
    78:     (sqrt (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy) (* dz dz)))))
    80: ;
    81: ; Useful structures.
    82: (defstruct T3D "Triangle. Just 3 vertices."
    83:        v0 v1 v2 ; positions
    84:        color) ; temporar, for testing
    85: (defstruct R3D "Ray. Just 2 vectors." p0 p1)
    86: (defstruct C3D "Camera."
    87:        from to up ; vectors. up is correct and normalized
    88:        d w-px h-px w-m h-m) ; px=pixels m=meters d=distance to screen
    89: (defstruct W3D "World." light geometry cameras)
    90: (defstruct PIXEL3D position color depth)
    91: ;
    93: (defun start-new-line () "Stub." (format t "~%"))
    95: (defun show-pixel (x y pixel)
    96:   "Stub."
    97:   (if (null pixel)
    98:       (format t "0 0 0 ")
    99:       (format t "~a " (pixel3d-color pixel))))
   101: (defun load-world (&key light-filename geometry-filename cameras-filename)
   102:   (make-w3d :light    (eval (with-open-file (in light-filename)
   103:                   (with-standard-io-syntax (read in))))
   104:         :geometry (eval (with-open-file (in geometry-filename)
   105:                   (with-standard-io-syntax (read in))))
   106:         :cameras  (eval (with-open-file (in cameras-filename)
   107:                   (with-standard-io-syntax (read in))))))
   109: (defun emit-ray (camera x y)
   110:   "Emits one ray using given camera."
   111:   (let* ((w (/ (c3d-w-m camera)
   112:            (c3d-w-px camera)))   ; physical pixel width
   113:      (h (/ (c3d-h-m camera)
   114:            (c3d-h-px camera))) ; physical pixel height
   115:      (f (v3d-scale (v3d-norma (v3d- (c3d-to camera) (c3d-from camera)))
   116:                (c3d-d camera))) ; front
   117:      (r (v3d-norma (v3d^ f (c3d-up camera)))) ; right
   118:      (r-ph (v3d-scale r w)) ; physical right step (pixel size)
   119:      (u-ph (v3d-scale (c3d-up camera) h))
   120:      (to (v3d+ (c3d-from camera)    ; ->eye
   121:            f                    ; eye->center
   122:            (v3d-scale r-ph (+ (/ (- 1 (c3d-w-px camera)) 2) x)) ; -(w-1)/2+x * r-ph. center->left
   123:            (v3d-scale u-ph (- (/ (- (c3d-h-px camera) 1) 2) y))))) ; left->lefttop
   124:     (make-r3d :p0 (c3d-from camera) :p1 to)))
   126: (defun render (&key world camera
   127:            (file-format 'RAW-RGBA) (name nil)
   128:            (new-line-hook nil) (display-pixel-hook nil))
   129:   "Renders the \"world\" on \"screen\"."
   130:   (let ((screen (init-screen camera file-format)))
   131:     (dotimes (y (c3d-h-px camera))
   132:       (when new-line-hook (funcall new-line-hook)) ; newline jump
   133:       (dotimes (x (c3d-w-px camera))
   134:     ; actual rendering is done here
   135:     (let ((pixel (render-pixel world (emit-ray camera x y))))
   136:       (when display-pixel-hook (funcall display-pixel-hook x y pixel))
   137:       (update-screen screen x y pixel)  ; here the rendered pixel is stored
   138:       ; TODO: add the interrupt ability here.
   139:       (when name (store-to-file screen name file-format)))))))
   141: (defun render-test ()
   142:   (let* ((w (load-world :light-filename "H:/raytrace/lights.data"
   143:             :geometry-filename "h:/raytrace/geometry.data"
   144:             :cameras-filename "h:/raytrace/cameras.data"))
   145:      (c (first (w3d-cameras w))))
   146:     (render :world w :camera c
   147:         :new-line-hook 'start-new-line
   148:         :display-pixel-hook 'show-pixel)))
   150: (defun intersect-ray-triangle (ray tri)
   151:   "Intersects ray with given triangle and returns T if intersected.
   152: After the resulting color data is returned. If not intersected,
   153: then NIL is returned."
   154:   ; get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
   155:   (block nil
   156:     (let* ((u (v3d- (t3d-v1 tri) (t3d-v0 tri)))
   157:        (v (v3d- (t3d-v2 tri) (t3d-v0 tri)))
   158:        (n (v3d^ u v))) ; cross product
   159:       (if (v3d-null-p n)
   160:       nil ; triangle is degenerate
   161:       (let* ((dir (v3d- (r3d-p1 ray) (r3d-p0 ray))) ; ray direction vector
   162:          (w0  (v3d- (r3d-p0 ray) (t3d-v0 tri))) ; w0 = R.P0 - T.V0
   163:          (a   (- (v3d* n w0))) ; a = -dot(n,w0)
   164:          (b   (v3d* n dir)))   ; b = dot(n,dir)
   165:         (if (< (abs b) *SMALL-NUM*)
   166:         nil ; ray is parallel to the triangle plane
   167:         (let ((r (/ a b))) ; get intersect point of ray with plane
   168:           (if (< r 0) ; ray goes away from triangle
   169:               nil ; no intersect
   170:               ; intersect point of ray and plane
   171:               (let* ((i (v3d+ (r3d-p0 ray)
   172:                       (make-v3d :x (* r (v3d-x dir))
   173:                         :y (* r (v3d-y dir))
   174:                         :z (* r (v3d-z dir)))))
   175:                  (uu (v3d* u u))
   176:                  (uv (v3d* u v))
   177:                  (vv (v3d* v v))
   178:                  (w  (v3d- i (t3d-v0 tri)))
   179:                  (wu (v3d* w u))
   180:                  (wv (v3d* w v))
   181:                  (d  (- (* uv uv) (* uu vv)))
   182:                  (s  (/ (- (* uv wv) (* vv wu)) d)))
   183:             (if (or  (< s 0) (> s 1))
   184:                 nil ; point is outside of the triangle
   185:                 (let ((tt (/ (- (* uv wu) (* uu wv)) d)))
   186:                   (if (or (< tt 0) (> (+ s tt) 1))
   187:                   ; point is outside:
   188:                   nil
   189:                   ; point is inside:
   190:                   (return
   191:                     (make-pixel3d
   192:                      :position i
   193:                      :color (t3d-color tri)
   194:                      :depth (v3d-length i (r3d-p0 ray))))))))))))))))
   196: (defun compare2pixels (a b) ; takes two pixels
   197:   (if (null a)
   198:       b
   199:       (if (null b)
   200:       a
   201:       (if (< (pixel3d-depth a) (pixel3d-depth b))
   202:           a
   203:           b))))
   205: (defun compare-pixels (&rest args)
   206:   (reduce #'compare2pixels args)) 
   208: (defun render-pixel (world ray)
   209:   (reduce #'compare-pixels
   210:       (mapcar #'(lambda (tri)
   211:               (intersect-ray-triangle ray tri))
   212:           (w3d-geometry world))))

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